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Dec. 2021 - Summary from B.Sc. Physiotherapist Roland Svensson
Skanlab AS asked Roland Svensson for a wrap up of how much he has used the Skanlab Vet in 2021. Roland is B.Sc. Physiotherapy, horse-owner, competitor in Western Riding, Lecturer of students both in Physiotherapy and Equitherapy, and many years experience of treating horses.
This is what we received:
From Roland: A summary of the work with Skanlab Vet/ Tecarpuls VM during 2021.
We have been treating 17 horses during 2021.
5 cold-blooded trot horses, 1 warm-blooded trot horse, 4 quarter horses, 1 American Paint horse, 5 Icelandic horses and 1 Shetlands pony.
There have been several diagnoses such as:
• Collateral ligament distortion between the fetlock and the hoof
• Illiosacral joint problem
• Hind knee hydrops
• Degenerated front knee problems
• “Blocked” neck
• Traumas with swelling, tens and painful muscles around the
shoulders and in the back and the hind.
Some of the horses had more than one diagnoses.
All by all we been over the most of the body of the horse with Skanlab Vet / Tecarpuls VM, and so far, only seen positive effects and good results. Sometimes we have been treating an area as a support treatment to the veterinarian. Other times the veterinarian and/or equitherapist recommended the Skanlab Vet / Tecarpuls VM instead of injections. In a few cases we have done preventive treatments.
The number of treatments has varied from 5 to 20 +, depending of the diagnoses. And you can clearly see the horses benefit from the treatment. Also, the veterinarians and equitherapist have been very surprised and impressed by the results achieved.
Dec. 2021 - Coldblooded trotting horse – 11 years old mare
Heading 6
December 2021: Coldblooded trotting horse – 11 years old mare.
This horse was examined by a veterinarian 5 weeks ago and had some problems with her left shoulder. The diagnosis was: Very tense and shortened muscles. This made the horse move with a shorter stride, and due to the pain - being uncomfortable to ride.
After 5 treatments with Skanlab Vet, the horse moved much better and did not have any more signs of pain.
12 days after the last treatment the horse was re-examined by the veterinarian again, and the veterinarian was very surprised how fine the shoulder had become, with normal tension in the muscles and a good and normal stride.
The Skanlab Vet device again showed success!
Nov. 2021 - Retired Trot horse
October 2021: Retired Coldblooded trot horse.
This is a 11year old coldblooded trot horse. Now he is used as a trail ride and dressage horse.
This summer he was injured in his collateral ligament, became limb and had difficult to turn to one side. 5 weeks ago he was examined by the veterinarian who gave the horse the diagnoses. The vet recommended injection, but the owner preferred to try Skanlab Vet treatment instead. The veterinarian supported this alternative. The horse received daily treatments for 5 days, and then, after 10 days after the last treatment the veterinarian examined the horse again. The veterinarian was really pleased of the result, and also recommended the owner to start ride and train the horse again. The veterinarian also recommended to treat the horse with 2-3 more treatments after 10-12 days with training. After having the last 2 treatments the horse is still fine and sound!
Oct. 2021 - Icelandic horse
October 2021 Icelandic Horse: This is an Icelandic horse, 8 years old.
He had a “blocked” hip, and very tens muscles in the hip area and the lower back. In addition to this, you could easily feel by palpation, a kind of “socket” in the area between Gluteus and Vastus lateralis. This could probably be associated with an injury, from maybe a kick. The borders of the socket could very well be scar tissue, and there was also some swelling in the area. A veterinarian and equitherapist was called for, to examine the horse. The horse was not able to counter due to the hip problems. Was also uncomfortable with a rider on his back.
After 10 treatments with Skanlab Vet (first 5 days once daily, and the next 5 days every second day) the swelling is completely disappeared, the scar-tissue and the tension has decreased. The hip is moving normal and free again.
Now he is in rehabilitation training, and so far, after 3 weeks, everything looks great.
Cold-blooded trotting horse - Oct. 2021
2021 October - Cold-blooded trotting horse: This is an elderly lady of 20 years. Half a year ago the owner asked me if I could do anything for this horse’s knees in the front legs. She has some small degeneration issues in the joints, and from time to time when the owner wants to go on a trail ride, she has difficulties to walk downhill and does not stretch out her strides.
In May I treated her front knees once daily for 5 days in a row. After that she walked proper again. Now, 5 months later, the same problem has come back again - not so surprisingly due to her age and issues. Also, this time she got 5 treatments (once daily), and her strides are normal again.
Both the owner and myself think this is a much better alternative than to inject the joints with medication. The treatment is painless for the horse, and you can see the horse enjoying it, and there is no restrictions on starting up activity again, compared to injections in the joint.
This is an excellent example of how Skanlab Vet treatment can be used preventive, and also maintain functionality of an elderly and long-lasting companion of a horse.
Shetland pony - Sept 2021
September 2021 - Shetland pony: This is 7 year old Shetland pony. Was treated by a veterinarian for swelling and pain at the back. It was not possible to pet, nor brush him, due to the pain. He received a 10 days cure with anti-inflammatory and pain reducing medicine . Still, after the medication cure, the problem wasn’t any better.
The veterinarian then recommended Skanlab Vet treatment. We decided to treat him initially for a total of 8 sessions ( first 5 days one treatment daily, and then one session every second day for 3 days). The swelling and the pain was already reduced after the first three sessions!
Now, 2 weeks after the last treatment, the problem is completely gone, and we have another happy horse after Skanlab Vet treatments.
Roland Svensson, physiotherapist B.Sc
Warmblooded trot horse - Aug 2021
A story from this summer - 2021: This is a warm-blooded trot horse. He was injured 2 months before he came to me for treatment with the Skanlab Vet, due to an injury on the fetlock with some swelling around the tendon and scar tissue. After 2 weeks and 10 treatments with the Skanlab Vet the swelling is gone in the tendon area, and there are only some small residual scar tissues left beside the fetlock - which will not affect him. He is now back in training again and soon ready for racing. The effect of treatment shortens the healing time and the result speaks for itsel
Roland Svensson
horse competitor and owner of several horses
Suspensory tendon damage Ultrasound scannings
Picture 1 6-8 days after injury
Picture 2 22 days later and 14 treatments with Skanlab
Picture 3 43 days after the first ultrasound scanning and 22 treatments
The deep heat causes an expansion of blood vessels (vasodilatation) and therefore increases the metabolism. It also leads to a higher elasticity of the collagen tissue. In addition, the warmth due to local application also lowers muscle tension and thereby reducing pain.
The pictures show a series of ultrasound images taken of the suspensory ligament before, during and after recovery with the treatment of Skanlab 25 Bodywave.
The normal treatment and prognoses for this trauma to the SL is usually nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs the first two weeks followed by 3-5 months box rest. The horse pictured above was back in full training after fifty days
Sol Hauge Svensson, veterinarian
Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Honor’s College
Dr. Thomas Miles, Honors College, University of North Texas
Injuries to the suspensory ligament (SL) and surrounding tendons are the most common leg injuries in horses. Especially prone in performance horses, they may even lead to retirement for young and otherwise healthy animals. Skanlab 25 Bodywave was invented in 1988 in Norway on the basis of the Capacitor Method, and is unique in that it treats a desired tissue with area specific long waves (600m) at a frequency of 0.5 MHz with a special transformer and electrode. This method eliminates any radiation to spread from the treated area. If we can use Skanlab 25 Bodywave in the early detection of lameness or lesions in the connective tissue, it may be a treatment that can prevent possibly career-ending injuries in performance horses.
I believe that Skanlab 25 Bodywave can be used in equine therapy to treat leg overuse injuries with the same successful result we see in humans, including faster rehabilitation and recovery of the damaged tissue so that they can get back to the competition arena quicker.
Because Skanlab 25 Bodywave is tremendously successful in treating common athletic injuries in the human physiotherapy field in Europe, I think it is time to expand the use of this instrument into the veterinary field as well. The United States has a big performance horse industry where a treatment like Skanlab’s can be especially revolutionary. Tendinitis and desmitis are inflammation and swelling of a tendon or ligament, respectively. Damages to the tendons or ligaments (refer to Figure 1) vary in severity, from a mild sprain to a complete tear. While treatment often can lead to months of box rest, Skanlab’s goal is to decrease the recovery time with maximum healing, all done by the body’s own healing mechanism.
From the trainers trainer, Don Boyd, we recieved these kind words considering our launch of Skanlab Vet™:
"It is so exciting to see the launch of Skanlab Vet!
I was introduced to Skanlab in 2010 and have seen with my own eyes how helpful this machine is for speeding up healing in horses with all types of injuries.
And I’ve also experienced first hand what it can do on the human body!
I have nothing but good thing to say about Skanlab therapy and really look forward to being a small part of it’s advancement in treating horse injuries!
Injury Low leg Tendon
Two weeks ago my horse injured himself on his low leg tendon. Blessing in disguise, Roland was there when they took a scan and explained me everything of how the Skanlab works. It’s been two weeks since he injured himself and we started to treat hem with Skanlab. Withing days the swelling decreased and he started to walk a lot better. And yesterday, two weeks after his first scan, we did a second scan. With relief I can say my horse is healthy again and we can slowly start riding again. I know for a fact he recovered sooner thanks to Skanlab, so thank you Roland for introducing me to the added value of Skanlab!
Roland Svensson
horse competitor and owner of several horses
Case study - Horse: Bowed Tendon
Treating horses with injuries with high frequency thermotherapy is becoming more and more successful: This is a 12-year-old Quarter gelding. He had a bowed tendon on his right front leg.
Treatment was 12 times Skanlab Vet during 3 weeks. After that slowly starting up activity again together with Skanlab Vet™ 3 times/week. After 6 weeks he was fully back in training again. This was without any form of medication or injections. During this period he was ultrasound scanned to see the healing process
Roland Svensson
horse competitor and owner of several horses
Case study low back pain
Quarterhorse mare, 8 years old.
Painful and tens back. Suspect “Low back pain”. Treated with Skanlab Vet™ 10 times in 14 days. Veterinarian control after 3 weeks shows that the pain was gone and she was much more willing to be ridden and trained after that
Roland Svensson
horse competitor and owner of several horses
Partial Menicus-rupture
This is a story about a coldblooded trot horse in Norway.
He is 8 years old. The summer 2019 he was lame in both hindlegs due to knee problem.
Ultrasound scanning by the vet showed a partial meniscus-rupture in both knees. Next to that were the collateral ligaments, especially on the medial side of the patellae, strongly irritated and some small degenerations signs in both knee joints with some swelling. The veterinarian had more or less no hope to see him back in at the trotting track again.
He was treated daily for 3 weeks (15 times) with Skanlab VET™. After this he was treated every second day for two more weeks.
Then he had a new scanning by the veterinarian, and the ligaments irritation were gone, and so was also the swelling in the joints (hydrops). It was decided to start to build him up again and see how far he could come. After 2 months with slowly increased activity with 2 times a week with Skanlab VET™ - treatment the lameness was totally gone.
And in 2020 he was back in the field for trotting competition again, and has now had 10 to 12 entries with no problems. In-between the races he receives preventing treatment a couple of times per week. And his physical condition and performance has never been better.
He has been in the top 3 more or less every time he has participated in a race.
He has also won 1.rst Prize in the V75 in Norway
E. Bo Skauen
Nurse Anesthetist
Owner of Skanlab AS
Elderly dog with severe hip pain
Meet "Nato", a Podenco Andaluz, who lived as a street dog in Spain, but moved to Norway a few years ago. Much older than expected. Always in pain. Whines in night when changing position in his sleep, Pain when you touch him, specially on the right hip.
Not running or playing around. Just a quiet old guy.
Today the owner wanted to try Skanlab Vet™ treatment on "Nato". Treated for 9 minutes. Somewhat skeptical in the beginning, then closing his eyes and relaxing. After treatment - a few steps, then suddenly started running around in the office! After several rounds, the owner had to play with him.
Pure happiness without pain! And afterwards he jumped in and out of the car!
Skanlab Vet™ helps elderly dogs with pain in their hip!
Ask for Skanlab Vet™ treatment
See video on
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For ytterligere dokumentasjon av virkning av Skanlab Vet viser vi til mer enn 30 års erfaring og dokumentasjon / referanser innen human medisin på
Hvorfor skal dine "beste venner og toppatleter" innen dyreverdenen sitte på "reservebenken" når man gjør alt innen human medisin
for å hjelpe "bestevenner og toppatleter"?
Nedenfor henviser vi til brukere av Skanlab terapi nasjonalt og internasjonalt
Skanlab har mottatt takkebrev og hilsener fra samtlige under her
280 Olympiatoppen Beijing 2008 brev
281 Olympiatoppen Beijing 2008
282 Skilandslaget OL Lillehammer 94
283 Skiunderet OL Albertville 1992
284 Sveitsiske OL troppen 1996
285 Sveriges Bandylandslag 1993 VM guld
286 Tor Arne Hetland og skilandslaget
266 Dagens Nyheter Swe 1993 Patrick Sjøberg
267 alpinlandslaget 1996
268 Anders Ohlsson olympisk mester OL Bejing 2008
269 Atle Skårdal 1996
270 bronselaget VM 1994 Sverige
271 Fredrikstad Blad 1994 Espen Bredesen
272 hopplandslaget 1994 Planica
273 Lindford Christie 1995: I use it too!
274 Norges Fotball landslag EM 2000
275 Norges Fotball landslag VM 1994
276 Norges Fotball landslag VM 1998 mot Brasil - Ståle Solbakken
277 Norges Friidrettslandslag 1995 EM
278 Norges skilandslag 1995 Thunder Bay
279 Norges skilandslag 1996
....and many more!
Internasjonale team som har Skanlab behandling som en del av verktøykassen:
- FC Bayern München. 1st Bundesliga Football (Germany)
- The German Football Association (Women & men).
- German Olympic Teams, summer & winter.
- Norwegian Football Association, all teams, women & men
- Olympic Center Oslo, top athletes world wide
- Norwegian Ski Federation.
- Swedish Ski Federation
- IFK Göteborg Football , Sweden.
- Swedish Football Association.
- AIK Stockholm Football , Sweden
- University Hospital of Sweden, Malmo
- University Hospital of Sweden, Boden
- Västra Frölunda Hockey ( International Sweden).
- Bayer Leverkusen, 1st Bundesliga Football (Germany).
- Borussia Dortmund, 1st Bundesliga Football (Germany)
- Schalke 04, 1st Bundesliga Football (Germany)
- Tottenham Hotspurs, Premier League Football (England).
- FC Juventus Football (Italy).
- FC Lask Linz (Austria).
- FC Austria Magna Wien,
- Hartman International Sport injury Clinic ( Irland).
- The Swiss Olympic team, summer & winter
- Polish Football Association
- University of Oslo, Physiotherapy education
- University of Trondheim, Physiotherapy education
- Norwegian Hydro ASA, Occupational health service.
- Olympic Center, Seoul, Korea
- Olympic Champion Anders Ohlosson, Paralympics Athens 2008 (swimming)
- Olympic Champion Miss Kim Yu Na, Vancouver 2010 (Figure skating, Korea
- Sarpsborg 08 Fotball